Latest Svelte Themes

The latest Svelte themes, templates and starters sorted by submission date.

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Night Vision screenshot

Highly customizable charting library, created for professional traders

Nomie5 screenshot

Nomie v5 Source Code

Obs Web screenshot

OBS-web - the easiest way to control OBS remotely

Previewjs screenshot

Preview UI components in your IDE instantly

Prosemirror Dev Toolkit screenshot

Injectable developer tools for ProseMirror rich-text editors implemented in Svelte and TypeScript.

Protochess screenshot

Online multiplayer chess website that lets you build custom pieces/boards. Written in Svelte + Rust.

Selecto screenshot

Selecto.js is a component that allows you to select elements in the drag area using the mouse or touch.

Snow Stamp screenshot

Get the timestamp from a Discord snowflake ❄

Splide screenshot



Splide is a lightweight, flexible and accessible slider/carousel written in TypeScript. No dependencies, no Lighthouse errors.

Status Page screenshot

⬆️🌐 Static status page website for Upptime

Store screenshot

🤖 Framework agnostic, type-safe store w/ reactive framework adapters

Sveltris screenshot

Piece together any framework with Svelte (like Tetris)

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