I18n library for Svelte.js that analyzes your keys at build time for max performance and minimal footprint
Svelte component for leaflet.
Svelte bindings for the MapLibre mapping library
An animation library for Svelte based on framer-motion.
Create PixiJS apps with Svelte
Transform Portable Text content into Svelte components
Svelte component for rendering outside the DOM of parent component
A multiseries, SVG progressbar component made with Svelte
Useful svelte stuff to put in your projects
Blazing fast excel sheets in the browser, hugely inspired by JExcel, built with Svelte and XLSX.
A Reveal.js boilerplate with Svelte, TailwindCSS and Vite
An opinionated toast component for Svelte. A port of @emilkowalski's sonner.