Svelte UI Kits & Component Libraries

Storybook screenshot

Storybook is the industry standard workshop for building, documenting, and testing UI components in isolation

Gradio screenshot



Build and share delightful machine learning apps, all in Python. 🌟 Star to support our work!

Skeleton screenshot

A complete design system and component solution, built on Tailwind.

Pnotify screenshot

Beautiful JavaScript notifications with Web Notifications support.

Konsta screenshot



Mobile UI components made with Tailwind CSS

Melt Ui screenshot

A set of headless, accessible component builders for Svelte.

Carbon Components Svelte screenshot

Svelte implementation of the Carbon Design System

Flowbite Svelte screenshot

Official Svelte components built for Flowbite and Tailwind CSS

Primo screenshot



Primo is a visual CMS with a built-in code editor, Svelte blocks, and static site generator.

Primo screenshot



Primo is a visual CMS with a built-in code editor, Svelte blocks, and static site generator.

Ikun Ui screenshot

🐔A Svelte.js based UnoCSS UI library that allows you to make websites

Attractions screenshot

A pretty cool UI kit for Svelte

Notus Svelte screenshot

Notus Svelte: Free Tailwind CSS UI Kit and Admin

Svelte Materialify screenshot

A Material UI Design Component library for Svelte heavily inspired by vuetify.

Fluent Svelte screenshot

A faithful implementation of Microsoft's Fluent Design System in Svelte.

default image



Mobile web component library based on Svelte and Tailwind

default image



Mobile web component library based on Svelte and Tailwind

Grail Ui screenshot

A library of accessible component primitives, actions and utilities for Svelte.

Svelte Chota screenshot

Svelte UI components based on super lightweight chota CSS framework.

Vitamin Web screenshot

Decathlon Design System UI components for web applications

Daisy Components screenshot

🌸 Amazing DaisyUI components you can copy and paste

Yesvelte screenshot

YeSvelte UI component library for Svelte

Spaper screenshot

PaperCSS components for Svelte

Daisy Components screenshot

🌸 Amazing DaisyUI components you can copy and paste

Kahi Ui screenshot

Straight-forward Svelte UI for the Web

M3 Svelte screenshot

M3 Svelte implements the Material 3 design system in Svelte, from the components to the animations to the theming.

Svelte Stepper screenshot

🚶 A simple library for building delightfully animated stepped flows with Svelte.

Svelteit screenshot

Svelteit is a minimalistic UI/UX component library for Svelte and Sapper projects

Ato Ui screenshot

The elemental UI component library for Svelte, built with UnoCSS and Melt UI.

Casual Ui screenshot

An ui components lib that supports React17+, Vue3+ and Svelte3+