
Themes by swyxio

Svelte Amplify Datastore Demo screenshot

How to do Auth + Amplify Data Store with Svelte

Svelte Data Fetching screenshot

Data Fetching For Developers Who Are New to Svelte And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too

Swyxdotio screenshot

This is the repo for swyx's blog - Blog content is created in github issues, then posted on swyx.io as blog pages! Comment/watch to follow along my blog within GitHub

Swyxdotio screenshot

This is the repo for swyx's blog - Blog content is created in github issues, then posted on swyx.io as blog pages! Comment/watch to follow along my blog within GitHub

Swyxkit screenshot

An opinionated blog starter for SvelteKit + Tailwind + Netlify. Refreshed for SvelteKit 1.0!

Swyxkit screenshot

An opinionated blog starter for SvelteKit + Tailwind + Netlify. Refreshed for SvelteKit 1.0!